Review: 'The Martian' is out of this world

Brian Truitt

Sure, water was just found on our neighboring planet, but even with that milestone, Matt Damon still might be the best thing ever to happen to Mars.

Matt Damon is an  astronaut who must draw upon his ingenuity to survive an alien planet in 'The Martian.'

As an astronaut stranded on the desolate landscape of another world, the A-lister powers the awesome combo of adventure, humor and human drama in The Martian (***½ out of four; rated PG-13; opens Friday nationwide), director Ridley Scott’s latest venture into the sci-fi genre. Instead of aliens or replicants, the biggest antagonists in front of Damon’s Mark Watney in the adaptation of Andy Weir's novel are time and the wild and woolly nature of outer space.

The manned mission of Ares III is wrapping up and heading home when a wicked storm cuts Watney off from the rest of the crew (including Jessica Chastain, Kate Mara, Michael Peña and Sebastian Stan). They presume he’s dead, as does NASA director Teddy Sanders (Jeff Daniels), who has to handle the potential PR nightmare back home alongside his embattled media-relations chief (Kristen Wiig).

In 'Martian,' Damon is a castaway for selfie generation

However, a little sandy but not too worse for wear, Watney ends up surviving, though he has to use his smarts and ingenuity to figure out how to stay alive until NASA can figure out how to come get him. But, as he deadpans, “Mars will come to fear my botany powers.”

He gets his math on divvying up rations and uses his feces as fertilizer to grow potatoes in a DIY greenhouse collecting condensation as water. When Watney has to get across the planet so he can find a rendezvous point, he rejiggers a space vehicle to meet the situation at hand. It's hard to believe any "super-botanist" is quite this good at his job, but Damon totally sells what is arguably his most likable role in years with a balance of charming personality and compelling need to cheer hard for this guy.

In Damon's favor is the planetary setting Scott's team has fashioned. As Watney tools around the Red Planet, Mars' sandy beauty is alien, wondrous in ways yet also feels exceedingly real — just as much as it does inside the astronaut's man-made workspace.

The stranded Earth man's story is the most interesting, yet Scott also manages to craft important subplots elsewhere in the universe. NASA has to work with other countries — and a gifted young engineer (played with winning kookiness by Donald Glover) — to figure out the science of saving their golden boy. Meanwhile, the Ares team faces its own problem: Do they risk going back for Watney and lose that much more time with the families and relationships that are near and dear to them?

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The supporting cast is an embarrassment of riches for Scott, and Chastain is particularly strong as the concerned commander of the mission. Yet this is most definitely Damon’s movie and a throwback to the unabashed idealism of Hollywood past. One would be hard-pressed to find a single space rock of darkness or cynicism in The Martian, which instead chooses to be a love letter to yesteryear’s manifest destiny of reaching toward the stars as well as embracing the human spirit’s willingness to say “(Screw) you, Mars” when the chips are majorly down.

Much like Tom Hanks talking to a volleyball in Cast Away, Damon telling space potatoes that he’s technically the first guy to colonize Mars shows us how we all would hope to bravely face certain doom in a foreign place. “In your face, Neil Armstrong,” Watney proudly states in a movie that’s one small step for Damon and one giant leap of galactic goodness.